Sunday 28 January 2007

A well-kept secret .....

This is for all of you who are teachers returning to school this week after the summer holidays, and for families whose children are either returning to school, or starting school for the first time. It's one thing to know that research has been done about how students with Down syndrome learn best, that there are exemplary progams with years of experience producing brilliant results .... but how can you get the resources you need into your classroom (now!) when there are so many competing demands in all schools?

Well, here is the best kept secret in NSW education, and we are happy to share it.

The Jill Sherlock Memorial Learning Assistance Library , located in suburban Sydney, but serving all of NSW " ..... is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education and Training and the Sherlock Family. This state facility provides resources to assist teachers and parents with the education of students with learning difficulties. " Membership is open to teachers, allied professionals and parents across New South Wales. The comprehensive collection of resources relates to literacy, numeracy, language and behaviour support. The library collection includes a wide selection of books, videos, CD's, software, games and kits - practical resources for classroom use, and much, much more. The catalogue is online, and loans can be arranged to be sent out by mail.

This wonderful library is an absolute gem, one of the greatest assests available to teachers of students with special needs across NSW. Yet we have been astounded by how little it is known, even within NSW public schools. The librarians are unfailingly helpful - they know their collection well, and can recommend items that you might not even think of using.

Have a look, order your own loans, and then tell your colleagues about it ......

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