Thursday 24 April 2008

Online Book Club - and other book news

Are you a reader?

Dave Hingsburger, over on Chewing the Fat is starting an online book club Have a look at his blog entry for 21st April to see how it will work .

The first book chosen is Mary Doria Russell's A Thread of Grace, which Dave's blog can tell you more about, and why it might be of interest to us. It is available in bookshops in Sydney such as Dymocks, Angus and Robertsons and Borders, although two of our frequent library users report that it is not in their large local libraries.

We have also received this week two copies of Jennifer Graf Groneberg's new book Roadmap to Holland - see Jennifer's blog Pinwheels.

A local new release is Ari Galper's book, Lessons from Toby - 52 Life Lessons. You can read more about it and order it from Ari's website.

DS NSW members can request a loan of either of these last two by emailing

Annotated lists of our complete library collection of 1800 items can be viewed here.

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