Saturday 5 April 2008

Wollongong rocks for Down syndrome: Illawarra Black Tie Ball

We are still catching up with all of the wonderful events celebrating World Down Syndrome Day/Month. Tracy Barker again galvanised the Illawarra community for an elegant night of fun and fine dining on 28th March. highlighted by the ability of the young people with Down syndrome to absolutely milk the moment for every drop of enjoyment, and take the rest of along for the ride. We did hear that the microphone got quite a workout when they were invited to say a few words if they would like to - it wasn't necessary to ask twice!

Tracy's energy, caring for her family including two beautiful and lively little girls, working, and taking on the organisation of a number of events each year (a T4321 morning tea, the Black Tie Dinner and the Illawarra Buddy Walk fior a start!) is phenomenal, and very much appreciated. Final fundraising figures are not yet in, but around $10,000 is expected from the dinner - again, very much appreciated.

As always, the less tangible outcomes of the night will be absolutely priceless!

Thank you Tracy, your family and friends, and to everyone who supported the event and took part.
For more photos, click here for the gallery .

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