Friday 9 May 2008

Julie Cromer retires as our Librarian

Julie Cromer retired on 10th April, after 4 years as our Librarian, and is enjoying a month’s sojourn in Italy , before settling into life as a new grandparent from early in June.

However, Julie’s involvement with Down Syndrome NSW and people with disabilities, particularly in the Eastern Suburbs goes back much further than four years. She has been an active member of Down Syndrome NSW since its establishment in 1980 and has played many active roles as a family member and committee member.

Her daughter Ruth is now in her mid-30s, making the Cromers a pioneering family in raising her at home with her brother, attending local schools and becoming an active member of both the family and her local community. When there were no appropriate support services, Julie has often been actively involved in establishing them.

She brought the same energy to professionalism to nurturing our collection of books, journals and videos into a specialist library, appropriately housed, maintained and managed. Her promotion of the library lending has seen the number of loans grow every year.

Because of her experience as Ruth’s mother, her great good sense, and her excellent contacts she has often been a valued mentor to staff and to other families.

Julie loved the idea of the American action figure, Nancy Pearl, Action Librarian and used a combination of firmness and humour to keep borrowers (both members and staff) in line, and the library items circulating. She has been fearless in searching out the resources we need to have on hand, developing a collection which is one of the organisation’s most treasured assets.

You will still find her here from time to time, as she will do some relieving work, and we have a plan or two for her continued active involvement as a DS NSW member. She said at her farewell afternoon tea that she didn’t feel would ever really fully “retire” from DS NSW as the organisation has been like another family, and her interest in people with Down syndrome will naturally continue.

We will miss her greatly, but of course we wish her well in her new role as a granny, and in retirement. And we can only try to thank her for the quality of the work she has done here – it is inestimable.

Kathi Beck has joined the staff as our new Librarian. Kathi is a qualified librarian with experience in small libraries, and she is a mother of three, including Amy, 7, who has Down syndrome. Kathi will work in the library at 2 Harold Street North Parramatta for 2 days each week, one of which will be Thursday. You can reach her on 9683 4333 or

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