Sunday 15 June 2008

Diana and Kathy - more powerful advocates

This new documentary looks interesting - two feisty women who have learned to speak up for themselves, and work as a formidable team:

Diana Braun and Kathleen Conour approached Alice Elliott at the 2001 National Arc Convention, and asked her to make a documentary about them. ...... The result is Body & Soul: Diana & Kathy.

Diana and Kathy are friends and advocates, who continue to explore innovative solutions for people with disabilities. From their experience living outside of institutions for 35 years, they became advocates for choices in housing for people with disabilities.

Read reviews, more about Diana and Kathy, and more about the production here.

The film is currently on the film festival circuit in the US. We're intrigued, and will get a copy into our library as soon as the full package of DVD with extras and study guides is available.

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