Saturday 28 June 2008

A little more - from Jennifer Graf Groneberg

Jennifer Graf Groneberg (author of Roadmap to Holland) has written another insightful post for Parent Dish, that you can read here. She describes an early morning scene in her home, nothing much out of the ordinary, but it leads to more significant observations about how her perspective has changed since the birth of her twins, Avery and Bennett. Avery has Down syndrome.

I've been Avery's mama for 5 years already, and it's not just Holland I see. These days, I'm more likely to notice the man walking with the limp; or the young woman with rigidity in her muscles; or the child overwhelmed by sounds. The causes for such things, or the names for them, are not important to me - what I see is the man, the woman, the child. I see what's different, but I also see what we share.

Jennifer's own blog Pinwheels is linked from our Blogroll (right column on this page). Her book Roadmap to Holland is available for DS NSW members to borrow from our library.

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