Monday 28 July 2008

A book to calm the nerves: "Going to the Dentist"

This beautifully illustrated book can help prepare children for a visit to the dentist. It is written as a social script, with each step of the visit seen from the child's point of view.

You might need to just add that between p. 10 and 11, the child in the photos has put on the "special" protective glasses, as that is shown in the picture.

An 11 year old with Down syndrome, who does not look forward to dental visits reviewed it, and found it helpful. Younger children would enjoy it too.

It has been added to the DS NSW Library, and can be borrowed by members (email )

First Experiences: Going to the Dentist, by Sally Hewitt, QED Publishing, 2004. One of our staff found it in a bargain bin at Angus and Robertson, for about $4 !

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