Saturday 26 July 2008

Experiences of Parents and Siblings of Children with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Honours students Laura Baldwin and Sarah Thompson from the Division of Psychology at RMIT University (Melbourne), in conjunction with the Parenting Research Centre are seeking your participation in a research project to understand the experiences of parents in supporting their children without a disability or chronic illness (referred to as siblings). This will help us to identify ways that we can best support parents and siblings.

What will you be asked to do? One parent from each family will be asked to complete a survey about your experiences in supporting your child without a disability aged 4-17 years. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your involvement is voluntary and anonymous. This means you can you can drop out at anytime and it will not be possible to identify you in the project.

How to get involved? If you are a parent of a child with a disability or chronic illness, and you have at least one other child without a disability, aged 4-17 years, and you would like to participate, please contact Laura or Sarah via the details listed below. Or you can follow this link to complete a brief survey: or visit to read more about the study.

Laura Baldwin Ph: 0413 711 171
Sarah Thompson Ph: 0401 393 960

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