Friday 11 July 2008

Families in the Bathurst/Orange region – research opportunity at CSU

Research at Charles Sturt University (CSU) will explore the everyday experience of primary school-aged siblings of children with additional needs, particularly at school. Ms Jacqui Barr, a primary school teacher and PhD student in CSU’s School of Teacher Education aims to give an authentic account of these children’s experiences.

She seeking families and children in the Bathurst area who have children in Year 3 or above at primary school and are the sibling of a child with additional needs. The study will involve interviewing the sibling, as well as other significant people in their lives, such as parents, the brother or sister with additional needs, and their teacher. Each participant will be interviewed once, with interviews taking between 15 minutes and 1 hour. The results of the study will be used to inform educators about the significant experiences of siblings of children with additional needs.

Click here to download an information package about the research project

Contact Jacqui Barr on (02) 6332 9107 or email for more information.

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