Monday 11 August 2008

After school support for parents of teenaged students with disabilities

News Release, 10/08/2008: The Hon. Kristina Keneally MP, Minister for Disability Services

The NSW Government will launch a one million dollar pilot program called Teen Time – After School and Vacation Support for Working Parents, to give parents of teenagers with an intellectual disability a boost in respite so they can pursue jobs and study.

“The two year, $928,000 pilot of Teen Time, has been developed in direct response to the needs of carers of secondary students with an intellectual disability.

“The program, to be launched within the next two months, will be available to parents and carers of up to 81 teenagers with intellectual disabilities who need a helping hand so they have the time to get a job, keep a job, or do some study to help them qualify for a job.

“Initially the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (DADHC) will carry out the trial in four locations – Epping, Kellyville, Merrylands and Werrington. It will cover three hours a day for 40 weeks of the year at each location, plus 10 hours a day for up to nine weeks of school holidays.”

We will trial Teen Time to see if it improves support available to the parents who need it, and if the pilot shows promising results we will look at rolling it out at other locations,” Ms Keneally said.

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