Monday 18 August 2008

"Tropic Thunder" - controversial movie opens in Australia this week: 21st August

The controversy about the new movie "Tropic Thunder" continues. An active campaign by disability groups and individuals in the USA leading up to and after its premiere in LA last week has generated some heated exchanges, but has not resulted in any changes to the movie, or any recognition from the producers that there is anything they should even reconsider.They continue to claim that opponents have no sense of humour and do not understand satire .....

Patricia Bauer continues to run the most comprehensive coverage, and has the advantage of actually having seen the movie (she did not like it):

None of the peak disability organisations in Australia or the UK appears to have taken up the issue - and there may be a good argument for not drawing even more attention to the movie. However, it might be one that you want to at least discuss with the moviegoers in your household.

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