Monday 4 August 2008

Tropic Thunder: a movie sure to offend?

A new Ben Stiller movie, Tropic Thunder is scheduled for release in the USA on 13th August. The intended humour of the script leans heavily upon lampooning people with intellectual disabilities, and makes frequent use of the term "retard".

Hardly surprising then that it has caused controversy even before it opens, and that people with disabilities and their advocates are organising protests and meetings with the film's makers.

Patricia Bauer's blog, News and Commentary on Disability Issues is covering the campaign, with five posts to date, and many comments, the most recent is here, followed by links to earlier posts.

Updated 5/08/08: A new post on 4/08 calls for "reader's advice" on what the movie's producer's and distributors should be asked to do, and offers some excellent suggestions. A meeting between disability advocates and Dreamworks is scheduled for Wednesday 6/08 (Pacific Time).

The movie is scheduled for release in Australia from 21/08/08.

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