Monday 29 September 2008

A busy time in the US ....

We know there's an election soon, and some tough economic decisions being made in the US at the moment, but it is a busy time for those interested in people with Down syndrome too, for other reasons.

The "Kennedy-Brownback" Bill (officially known as the Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act) has recently been passed, after an earlier rejection. The Bill was introduced by Senators Edward Kennedy (Mass.) and Sam Brownback (Kan.) in 2005. From the National Down Syndrome Congress:

The Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act ensures that pregnant women receiving a positive prenatal test result and parents receiving a postnatal diagnosis will be more likely to receive up-to-date, scientific information about life expectancy, clinical course, intellectual and functional development, and prenatal and postnatal treatment options .

Click here for the full press release from NDSC, and here for a detailed news report from the Wall Street Journal Digital Network.

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the US, with many groups holding events, especially Buddy Walks, so there is a lot of media activity. Angie Picchi, a 28 year woman who has Down syndrome, and her mother Linda were interviewed by Colleen Mastony for the Chicago Tribune, about the awareness work they do with the medical profession click here for the report.

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