Tuesday 30 September 2008

Cooking By Color - Recipes For Independence

Joan Guthrie Medlen - author of The Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook - has published a new book, Cooking By Color - Recipes For Independence. Joan is well known internationally for her work in nutrition and healthy eating for people with Down syndrome and other disabilities. Her books and journal articles are very popular, as are workshops with people with disabilities, their families and professionals who support them,

From Joan Medlen's website:
www.downsyndromenutrition.com :

'A key component to living healthfully is having recipes that fit your lifestyle. The Cooking by Color recipe series uses photos and color-coding to make the job of cooking easier. The format for these recipes was originally designed for people with developmental disabilities preparing to live away from home in a post-secondary program. We found they are useful to anyone - with or without a disability - who is cooking for two or one or making an after-school snack!

In fact, the Cooking by Color recipe series is a good tool for empty-nesters and grandparents who have trouble reading the small numbers on measuring tools.These everyday recipes are developed with portion-control in mind and are quick, easy and healthy, too. Every recipe is designed to serve 1-2 people, which builds in portion control and reduces left overs. Every recipe includes suggestions for simple side dishes that will create a balanced menu and cooking tips to make cooking or clean up easier. The recipe directions are presented in a checklist format to be sure no important step is missed. These recipes are designed for success!

48 pages of color-coded recipes, photos, and tips for developing healthful, self- determined cooks. Recipes in Cooking by Color make two servings, which keeps everyone from eating too much of one thing. Recipes provide information to balance the meal , variations of the recipe, and how long it takes to make it.

Cooking by Color: Recipes for Independence is a great start for teaching healthful self-determination when preparing meals.'

While you are on the Down Syndrome Nutrition website, check out:
  • My Tasting Journal
  • My Food Record
  • Coaching Tips

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