Monday 15 September 2008

Disability Employment Services Review

A Federal review of Disability Employment services was announced earlier this month. From the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations announcement:


As part of its commitment to improve employment services, the Australian Government is reviewing disability employment services – Disability Employment Network (DEN) and Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS). This review is being undertaken within the broader context of the General Employment Services Review , the development of a National Mental Health and Disability Employment Strategy and the National Disability Strategy.

On 3 September 2008, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Employment Participation, released a discussion paper relating to the review of disability employment services. The Minister called for comment from current and potential services providers and other stakeholders, seeking their views on the future direction of disability employment services.

In conjunction with the release of the discussion paper, a series of consultations will be held.

Click here to read all of the information page.

Submissions can be made until close of business on 1 October 2008

Minister's media statement.

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