Tuesday 2 September 2008

Proposed changes in State/Federal responsibility for disability and aged care

Senior political reporter, Michelle Grattan reports on very significant changes in the administration and delivery of care and services for people with disabilities in today's Melbourne paper, The Age:

Aged care would become completely the Federal Government's responsibility and the disabled would come wholly under the states in a sweeping revamp of roles proposed by the Rudd Government.

The overhaul of services for the aged and disabled was in a plan sent to the states on Friday.

The deal also involves the states getting extra power over mental health, which would be accompanied by additional funding — about $800 million over five years, according to sources. This would be for community-based services.

Having one level of government with full responsibility for the aged would allow Canberra to bundle together services more effectively.

It would aim to enable people to move with greater ease through the system as they grow older and more frail and go from home-based help to a nursing home. The Government already has responsibility for nursing homes.

The proposed date for the takeover of the other aged services is July 1, 2009

Click here to read more from the full text of the article

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