Sunday 7 September 2008

US media on Sarah Palin and Down syndrome

Beverley Beckham is a regular columnist for Boston Globe, who writes from time to time about her grand-daughter Lucy, who has Down syndrome. This week she comments on the sidelining of media coverage of Sarah Palin (Republican VP nominee) in relation to Down syndrome, by commentary on her daughter: click here for her column and a fun picture of Lucy.

Judging by the column inches in Australian media, and broadcast time devoted to Ms Palin and her family, the US coverage must be hard to keep up with, Patricia Bauer's blog on news about aspects of disability has grouped together the relevant items under a single category, Palin and Down syndrome: Coverage soars. There are some very cute pictures of baby Trig Palin with family members.

You don't have to look far for plenty of opinions!

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