Friday 31 October 2008

"Living with Down Syndrome" - Chinese translation funded

The Australian Chinese Charity Foundation has recently awarded Down Syndrome NSW a grant to translate the book Living with Down Syndrome into Chinese. The book is the very popular introduction to the comprehensive series of information packages, Down Syndrome: Issues and Information, published by Down Syndrome Education International, based in Portsmouth, UK

Many families of newborns with Down syndrome tell us that Living with Down Syndrome is an important early resource for them, because it helps to answer their many concerns about their child's future - then lets them get on with the present. In response, Down Syndrome NSW has, with the permission of DownsEd International had the book translated into Vietnamese and Arabic. The Chinese translation will be available by early 2009, and will be posted to both our website as a free download, and to Down Syndrome International's website (where Spanish and Norwegian translations are also available).

Copies will be made available to Chinese speaking families of newborns as part of their New Parent Information Kit, and distributed freely to appropriate community based services.

Down Syndrome NSW is developing a portfolio of translated material about Down syndrome in the three most commonly requested languages after English in multicultural NSW: Vietnamese, Arabic and Chinese, working with local families and professionals, and with others around the world. The already completed resources are available here, along with a directory of links to other resources in these three languages.

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