Thursday 30 October 2008

National Disability Strategy: discussion paper open for comment

The Australian Government is developing a National Disability Strategy "..... to address the barriers that are faced by Australians with disability and promote social inclusion", to be released by mid-2009.

"The Strategy will be an important mechanism in ensuring the principles underpinning the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, recently ratified by the government, are integrated into policies and programs affecting people with disability, their families and carers." (Overview of the Strategy,

A discussion paper has been released to facilitate consultation - submissions are invited, and public consultations are being held around the country, including in Sydney on 5th November, and in Canberra on 26th November.

Click here for further information about the process, to download a copy of the discussion paper and for the consultation dates.

The National Council for Intellectual Disability (the peak national body) is writing a response to the discussion paper, under the areas of Health, Education, Work, and Supported Living, and is making its material available as it is developed, through its website:

The Health paper, and a background paper developed jointly by National and NSW Councils for Intellectual Disability and the Australian Association of Developmental Disability Medicine is available online now.

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