Sunday 23 November 2008

Adolescents with Down syndrome: research report on aerobic exercise and indicators of oxidative stress

The latest issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine Online has a Short Report on a Spanish research study demonstrating that a 12 week aerobic exercise program reduced plasma levels of allantoin, a measure of oxidative stress, which "has been proposed as a pathogenic mechanism of several pathologies" in people with Down syndrome.

The researchers' conclusion:
A 12-week aerobic program reduced significantly oxidative damage expressed in terms of plasmatic allantoin content in adolescents with Down syndrome. Further studies on this topic are required.

The abstract of the report is available online (click here), and the full text is available for purchase.

Journal reference:
A 12-week aerobic training program reduced plasmatic allantoin in adolescents with Down syndrome, Rosety-Rodriguez et al. Br J Sports Med 2008 0 (2008), p. bjsm.2008.052530v1

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