Sunday 2 November 2008

Choosing Naia: 10 years on

Amidst the interest generated by the nomination of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in the current US presidential election campaign, Tierney Temple Fairchild reflects in the Washington Post, about her own experience 10 years ago. She and her husband knew before her birth, that their daughter Naia had Down syndrome, and a congenital heart lesion.

This is the annotation from our library listing, on the book about Naia's birth, written by journalist Mitchell Zuckoff:

Choosing Naia: A family's journey, Zuckoff, Mitchell. Boston: Beacon Press, 2002
A powerful story based on an award-winning series of newspaper articles first published in the Boston Globe, about a young couple whose first child is diagnosed with a significant heart anomaly and with Down syndrome. The book traces their emotional and intellectual journey through making a decision to continue the pregnancy, and the first months of baby Naia's life.

DS NSW members can borrow the book from our library by contacting

All of the items held in the Library Collection are listed by subject category, here.

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