Tuesday 16 December 2008

Exceptional Parent magazine interviews John McGinley

Exceptional Parent magazine is a very well established publication from the US, addressing topics of interest to and about people with all kinds of disabilities, their families and professionals.

Max McGinley and his family are on the cover of the December 2008 issue. The cover story is an interview with John McGinley, father of Max who has Down syndrome, US patron of Buddy Walk, and actor (Dr Perry Cox, in the TV series SCRUBS): His Best Role Yet – John C. McGinley on Being a Dad. You might be required to complete a free registration to access the story

Also in the December 2008 issue of EP, and available online, is this story about 4 year old Rose McAulliffe teaching 100 high school students some sign language, and about Down syndrome, co-teaching with her mother: Rose's Life Lessons: Signed and Spoken.

  • Exceptional Parent Magazine, December 2008: Contents

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