Wednesday 21 January 2009

Disabilities and dementia: Diana Kerr, UK expert to visit Australia

Alzheimer’s Australia NSW is bringing Diana Kerr to Sydney for a one day seminar.

Monday, 6 April 2009
(venue to be confirmed)

As the population ages the number of people with disabilities and dementia will increase. We know that older people with Down syndrome are uniquely vulnerable to developing dementia of the Alzheimer type. Service providers, families, doctors and social workers need to be equipped so they can develop appropriate interventions and coping strategies.

Diana Kerr is a leading figure in this area in the UK working at Edinburgh University. She is the author or co-author of several publications including:

  • Down Syndrome and Dementia, A Workbook for Staff

  • In the Know: Implementing Good Practice

  • Understanding Learning Disability and Dementia - Developing Effective Interventions

Please email to register your interest in this timely and important seminar.

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