Monday 5 January 2009

DS NSW Calendar 2010 - members' photos accepted until 31 May 2009

Yes, it is only the first week of 2009, but we are planning ahead! Please send in your photos for the 2010 calendar. If you haven't sent any in before, or have skipped a few years, now is a great time to start, or to rejoin this popular and easy community activity.

We would love to include more photos of older children, teens and adults with Down syndrome with their friends and family, at work, at play, and doing all the interesting things they get up to – but do send in those littlies as well.

Here's how to do it:

  • send a maximum of three photos per family. Email submissions, of digital photos in .jpg format at 300 dpi resolution are preferred (maximum file size 500 kb), but prints are also accepted.
  • provide the names of everyone in the photo, and written permission for its publication from each person.
  • photos submitted for the calendar may be used to illustrate other publications, and the website - please note if you do not give permission for such other uses.
  • email digital photos to: with "2010 Calendar" in the subject line.
  • prints should have the names written on the reverse, in soft tipped pen. Please do not send your only copy of treasured photos - we cannot guarantee against loss. Note: If you want your prints returned, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope. Mail to:

Down Syndrome NSW, PO Box 2356, North Parramatta 1750.

Depending on the number of photographs received, it might not be possible to use every photograph from every family, although every effort will be made to include them all.

Submissions for the 2010 Calendar will definitely close on 31 May 2009.

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