Saturday 31 January 2009

Ready, Set, Go - Joe's skiing !

This contribution came with the heading "warning - proud Dad story"! The photos might take a little while to load, but they are worth waiting for.

We spend a lot of time at the dam skiing. It has long been a hope of Maree and I that he be able to participate in the activities at the dam. Over previous summers we have been cajoling Joe to go on the biscuit which he did and loves.

This summer we thought we would encourage him to have a go at water skiing so we started getting him used to trying the skis on and standing in the water and pulling him along. Yesterday after doing this he said he wanted to go behind the boat so we jumped at the opportunity (even though it was rougher than I would normally start a beginner off in) and gave him a go and he got up !!!

He went about 20 meters and then fell off. It was a bit rough. We thought he might freak a bit but he asked for more skis. He then had about 12 -15 goes averaging about 50 metres with the longest distance being about 80 metres.

It was quite emotional for all of us and Joe just loved it! Joe turns 9 in 2 weeks and I really thought this would be something that he would do in his teens.

We are looking forward to our next trip to the dam. He says he wants to go over the wake and go on 1 ski like big sister Tess. I think we’ll stick to the 2 for a while.

I just wanted to share this achievement with people who would understand the enormity of it. It has taken a lot of work not just this summer or the previous one, but in the time spent at Early Intervention getting those motor skills happening.

We have very proud parents and sisters and one mad keen skier who also wants to drive the boat!!


Ready ....

Set ......


..... Gone.

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