Wednesday 28 January 2009

Research observation: DS appears to protect against a common brain tumour in children

Another instance of differences occurring in people with Down syndrome that could help to advance the understanding of a significant medical condition has been published.

Researchers in Paris and Sydney have observed that medulloblastoma, a common brain malignancy in children, has never been reported in a person with Down syndrome of any age. Their letter to the editor, published in Neuroepidemiology online (with free access) on 17th December 2008, and in print in early 2009, describes the phenomenon as a "medical enigma". They note that closer study of Down syndrome could shed light on the development of medulloblastoma and other tumours.


D. Satgé , C.H. Rickert , A Medical Enigma: Persons with Down Syndrome Do Not Develop Medulloblastoma, Neuroepidemiology 2009;32:164

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