Wednesday 11 March 2009

Information event on sleep disorders in children with additional needs

This event is particularly relevant for parents of children with Down syndrome, who experience sleep disorders at a significantly higher rate than other children - it is an opportunity to hear from one of our leading experts in the field.

Waverley Council presents a round-table discussion and presentation on sleep disorders and their impact on behaviour and learning in children with special needs.


Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Free (spaces are limited)
Waverley Childcare Centre, Clementson Park,
Newland Street, Bondi Junction

Childcare and light refreshments will be provided

The session will be facilitated by Dr Dimitrios (Jim) Papadopoulas, whose qualifications and experience include

  • FRACP in General Paediatrics
  • Completed sub-specialty training in Paediatric Sleep Medicine
  • In 2003 established Australia’s first multi-disciplinary Sleep Clinic specifically for developmentally delayed children (Children’s Sleep Medicine Service)
  • In 2004 established the only private hospital Paediatric Sleep Unit in NSW
    Currently directs the Paediatric Sleep Disorders Unit at St George Private Hospital
Learn more about sleep disorders:

  • Sleep problems are common in children of all ages.
  • Disordered sleep affects mood, behaviour and cognition and can adversely impact on the whole family.
  • Childhood sleep disorders are relatively easy to diagnose and treat, leading to measurable social,
    behavioural and neuro-cognitive benefits for children and their families.
  • Brief case presentations and digital sleep study data will be used to illustrate sleep disorders and help explain polysomnography (sleep studies).

RSVP by 17 April 2009: Ph. Seak on 9386 7938

Click here for a flier

1 comment:

  1. Can some one tape and post the presentation by you tube?
