Friday 27 March 2009

Music Pathways for People with a Disability in NSW

Accessible Arts NSW is conducting an information-gathering exercise on existing provision of music pathways for people with a disability in NSW. They are developing a picture of music activity for people with a disability by the end of April 2009.

Towards the end of June 2009, interested stakeholders will be invited to a creative forum that they hope will lead toward the development of a new statewide Accessible Music Program. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, the areas they are looking into are:

1. Finding out what pathways currently exist for people with a disability to pursue their creativity through music in NSW - including both formal and informal training or professional development

2. Talking to NSW musicians with a disability to identify their current practice and how they got there

3. Identifying potential resources (and resource limitations) - human, physical, technological, virtual etc - available to facilitate music development for people with a disability in NSW

For more information please contact
Becky Chapman, Arts Development Officer, Accessible Arts on Ph: 02 9251 6499 ext 4 MON, WED only. Visit the website at

Source: National Disability Services Info-e, 26th March 2009

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