Tuesday 30 June 2009

Auslan flashcards, game cards

In addition to teaching and publishing, Hands Can Talk produces a range of resources to assist families learning to use sign and maintaining sign skills to support communication. The latest products are card sets, designed to teach signs in various categories, suitable to be used as flashcards or for memory games, and an Animal Lotto game incorporating photos and signs.

The Hands Can Talk website is currently undergoing a comprehensive overhaul, and will be relaunched shortly. The new products will be available through the new website, but meanwhile, contact Hands Can Talk by phone or email for further information on formats and costs.

Contact details for Hands Can Talk:

Phone 02 9824 8332

Fax 02 9824 8112

Email aileen@handscantalk.com.au

1 comment:

  1. What a great resource... I must share it with my teachers-in-training.
