Monday 1 June 2009

iPhone application useful for people with communication impairment

Patricia Bauer reports about new Apple iPhone application that allows the device to be used as an assistive communication device at much less cost than existing dedicated devices.

See here for a previous post about an Auslan sign language application.


  1. Hi. I have been looking at the new communication Proloquo2go for Ipod touch and Iphone. We have loaded onto the ipod touch and are busy programming. I think it looks brilliant as an additional form of communication for our daughter, Elysha who has down syndrome,e and is hearing impaired. Elysha is a fluent signer and her spoken language is very hard to understand. As she has reached 16 and is going out into the world we were looking for a device that is easy to use, has clear voice and lots of communicate space - has all of the ABOVE - we have also joined chat group of Proloquo2go which means getting lots of hints and help with any problems. Will now have to wait and see.

  2. Marc who is 8 with DS has been using Proloquo2go for almost 2 months now. It is brilliant, has made communication so much easier. We are now trying to incorporate into his school curriculum to make it easier for him to answer questions and participate in class discussions. I am amazed at how quickly children regardless of disability pick up technology, the new version of proloquo2go 1.1 make it easier for children with less fine motor control and it also has British voices. This product is so much better than people expect as they see the price and compare it to AAC's that cost $8,000+, the proloquo2go on an Ipod touch or phone is up there with the best.
