Thursday 4 June 2009

Library Thursdays: Thicker Than Water

Not long after the arrival of Brian Skotko and Susan Levine's great book for teenage siblings of people with Down syndrome(Fasten your Seatbelt), a new book, Thicker than Water: Essays by Adult Siblings of People with Disabilities (edited by Don Meyer, Woodbine House 2009) has been published. The stories are about people with various disabilities. There are several by siblings of people with Down syndrome and most are siblings of people with some intellectual disability. Many of the authors work in the disability or health sector. Brian Skotko, Kate Strohm (founder of Siblings Australia), Rachel Simon (author of Riding the Bus with My Sister), and Jennifer Owensby (creator of The Teachings of Jon documentary) all contribute to this book. It is an interesting look into the feelings of sometimes an overlooked group who, most likely, as is noted in the introduction, will have a longer relationship with their brother or sister than anyone else including their parents. The essays cover a range of experiences, feelings and reactions. It gives much to relate to for siblings and much to think about for parents in how they deal with all the family and plan for the future.

Also arrived this week is My Sister Alicia, the beautiful picture book written from a sibling's point of view about her 6 year old sister with Down syndrome, mentioned in an earlier blog. This book would be great for primary school aged siblings.

Related links:

Other sibling resources by age:
Let's Paint the Octopus Red for young siblings of babies with Down syndrome
The Worst Best Brother picture book for siblings of pre-schoolers with Down syndrome
Oh Brother! for older primary to early high school aged siblings
Fasten your seatbelt for high school aged siblings

If you are interested in borrowing any of the resources, just email us.

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