Tuesday 23 June 2009

Research on sleep in children with Down syndrome - online survey

A Scottish research student at the University of Glasgow is seeking parental input on sleep disorders and children with Down syndrome or an Autism Spectrum Disorder (aged 5 - 11 years). The DSA (UK) is co-operating with recruitment through their website, and Jane Macquarrie has emailed DS NSW directly to enlist further assistance:

My name is Jane MacQuarrie and I am researching parent's views about their child's sleep problems, in parents of children with Down Syndrome or an Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am undertaking this research as part of my Clinical Psychology training at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.To complete my research, I am asking parents to complete a questionnaire on-line.

Click here for a flier about Jane Macquarrie's research
Click here to go to the letter of invitation and to the online survey

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