Tuesday 16 June 2009

Revised DADHC policy on respite capacity

The NSW Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care issued a draft policy "Maintaining Respite Capacity" in late 2008 that drew so much criticism that the Minister withdrew it for revision in light of the commentary (see these posts from 10th August 2008; 27th August 2008; 16th October 2008). The revised policy has now been issued, and can be downloaded from the DADHC website here (scroll halfway down the page to April 2009, Maintaining Respite Policy).

A number of associated documents about the revision process are also available from this web page, with these comments:

DADHC has reviewed and taken into consideration the many submissions made in relation to the two draft policy during the six week consultation process.

The Minister requested that the draft policy be re-drafted to take account of this initial feedback. The policy reflects the concerns and suggestions made by many people including carers, advocates and service providers. It reflects how we can work together to support families who have made the difficult decision that they can no longer support their family member at home. The Department acknowledges that any family who has had to make such a decision has not done so lightly.

DADHC is currently seeking responses to a discussion paper, "New Directions for Respite Services in NSW", with submissions closing next week, on Friday 26th June (see this post for more information and links).

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