Monday 6 July 2009

Changes to Carer Payment (care receiver under 16 years).

Along with other organisations, we have been asked to help circulate this information through our networks, by the Australian Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA):

Are you looking after a child under 16 with severe disability or severe medical condition?
If so, you may be interested to know about some changes to Carer Payment that take effect from 1 July 2009.

Carer Payment provides income support to carers who, because of the demands of their caring role, are unable to support themselves through substantial paid work. Carer Payment is income and assets tested and paid at the same rate as other social security pensions.

The most important change is to the way qualification for Carer Payment is assessed. The new method that will be used from 1 July 2009 looks at the carer’s total care load.

Other changes include:

  • recognising more situations when carers will receive the payment, such as caring for:

- one child with severe disability or severe medical condition
- two or more children with disability or medical condition
- an adult with disability and one or more children with disability or medical condition

  • the payment will be available to eligible carers who are looking after a person for a short period of time, that is at least three months, but less than six months
  • more sensitive and generous arrangements for carers of children with a terminal illness
  • removing the 63 day limit on hospitalisation
  • automatic Carer Allowance for carers who qualify for Carer Payment
  • a wider range of health professionals to complete medical forms.

Further information
From 1 July 2009 for information about rates, other available assistance or your potential eligibility you can:

  • visit the payment page on Centrelink’s website
  • telephone Centrelink on 13 27 17 or for TTY service 1800 810 586
  • visit your nearest Centrelink office.

Do you have feedback about these changes?
If so, you can email the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs at or write to:

FaHCSIA - Carer Reform Implementation
PO Box 7576
Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610

All feedback will be acknowledged and carefully considered in our review of Carer Payment over the next 12 months.

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