Thursday 30 July 2009

Library Thursdays: My Friend Isabelle and Taking Down Syndrome to School

One of the best books to help preschoolers understand children with Down syndrome is My Friend Isabelle by Eliza Woloson (Woodbine House, 2003). It shows two children--one with Down syndrome and one without, playing together and enjoying their similarities and their differences. Now a new downloadable version by PicPocket is available from iTunes for the iPhone or iPod Touch. The pictures are true to the book and each word is highlighted as it is spoken to help early readers follow along. [This version is not available from the library.]
Click here for more information. 

Another book to help school-age children understand Down syndrome has arrived in the library this week--Taking Down Syndrome to School by Jenna Glatzer, illustrated by Tom Dineen (JayJo Books 2002). The pictures are a bit cartoonish and it seems to dwell a bit too much on differences that may not always apply, but it covers some useful material as well. It talks about the use of the word "retard" and gives tips for teachers as well as a question and answer section for children.

To borrow either of these two books, just email us.

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