Thursday 2 July 2009

Library Thursdays: Puberty resources

Some of the most popular items in the library are the puberty resources. Special Girls' Business and Special Boys' Business by Fay Angelo, Heather Pritchard and Rose Stewart are excellent resources to explain to girls and boys with intellectual disabilities the changes happening to their bodies and how to manage them (most of the Girls' one concerns periods). Other resources by the same authors include Secret Girls' Business and Secret Boys' Business for all girls and boys. They have more details in a more complex manner than Special Girls' and Boys' Business but can be good for parents to explain things to their children with Down syndrome as well as for older, more accomplished readers. Now the authors have created More Secret Girls' Business. It is promoted as a companion volume to Special Girls' Business. It includes more details about the information in Special Girls' Business and physical and emotional changes. It also seems to be presented in a clearer and less busy way. 
For girls with Down syndrome starting puberty, I would recommend Special Girls' Business but for parents who want simple ways to explain and discuss things and for older girls who want more information, I would recommend More Secret Girls' Business. I look forward to More Secret Boys' Business which I hope is coming out soon.

Other puberty resources in our library:
Janet gets her period
Talk to me: A personal development manual for women and girls with Down syndrome and their parents Available Online 
Down's Syndrome Scotland also have some good resources online

These resources are available from our library, just email us.
Family Planning NSW also loans out many resources to carers and service providers for people with disabilities. The above resources and many others are available.

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