Monday 13 July 2009

Morgan's Wonderland - an innovative venture in Texas

One of our members has drawn our attention to the development of Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, Texas, an outdoor recreation park, with facilities adapted to accommodate people with a very wide range of special needs (for physical, cognitive and sensory support), enabling them to have fun outdoors, along with family and friends.

The thinking behind the park is not to segregate people with disabilities, but to address current inequities - the brochure states that "...... currently, less than 10% of those with disabilities participate in daily outside recreation". The facilities appear to be very well thought out, and could provide inspiration for the development of more accessible recreation spaces on a smaller scale in local communities, as well providing a very special "one off" experience. Local San Antonio residents will have regular access, as entry will be free.

The large park is part of an even larger leisure and sporting complex, scheduled for opening early in 2010. It has been financed by a generous philanthropic donation, supported by local government funding, and further fundraising.

Take a look at the Morgan's Wonderland website to see the scope and nature of the facilities, and if you happen to be visiting the US, and Texas in particular, you might check it out and report back on how you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. We live in San Antonio and have a 5 yr old daughter with Down Syndrome. We are so excited about this new park. It is something that she will be able to enjoy her entire life. Hopefully this will be the beginning of more communities providing a fun and safe place for our children to play, explore and enhance their abilities.
