Wednesday 22 July 2009

Speech and Language Resource Guides from NDSC and Dr Libby Kumin

The following Speech and Language Resource Guides for individuals with Down syndrome have been generously provided to the US National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) by Dr. Libby Kumin and Loyola College of Maryland, and NDSC has generously posted them to their website. Dr Kumin is the author of a number of highly regarded books and DVDs on Speech and Language development in people with Down syndrome of all ages, and one of the world's leading researchers and clinicians in the field.

These are short guides, with references to more comprehensive information sources:
The NDSC website is a rich source of specific information for parents and professionals, and well worth book-marking. In Depth Parent Resources on other topics are located here - some are relevant only to the US, you will easily see which ones they are. Those under the link "DSN articles" are reprinted from the NDSC newsletter, Down Syndrome News (our library includes a print subscription).

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