Wednesday 29 July 2009

Sports CONNECT disability services education resource

From NSW Sport and Recreation:

Further to our Sport CONNECT State Meeting conducted in March 2009, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), in partnership with NSW Sport and Recreation (and other state/territories) are developing the Sports CONNECT framework, which aims to increase the participation of people with disabilities in sport across Australia.

To support this process, a Sports CONNECT education resource, specifically targeting the disability services sector, is being developed. The aim is to develop resource material that will assist practitioners and service users in accessing opportunities in sport and physical recreation.

The ASC has appointed Ken Black to develop the Sports CONNECT educational resource. It is important that disability service providers, parents, carers and participants have the opportunity to input their ideas and suggestions about the format and content of the education resource.

NSW Sport and Recreation are looking for around 6 to 10 people for each meeting (meeting 1 - focuses on disability services and meeting 2 focuses on parents/carers/end users).

The details for meeting are:

Disability Service Meeting
DATE: Monday 10 August 2009
VENUE: NSW Sport and Recreation, Ken Brown Rooms, 6A Figtree Drive,
Sydney Olympic Park
PARKING: enter car park at 6A Figtree Drive, take a ticket and it will be validated during the meeting
TIME: 10am start (morning tea will be provided)

Parents/ Carers/ End Users
DATE: Monday 10 August 2009
VENUE: NSW Sport and Recreation, Ken Brown Rooms, 6A Figtree Drive,
Sydney Olympic Park
PARKING: enter car park at 6A Figtree Drive, take a ticket and it will be validated during the meeting
TIME: 1:30pm start (afternoon tea will be provided)

If you are available and interested in putting an expression of interest in attending the meeting with Ken to guide and advise the formulation of this new resource, please contact Kelly Oldfield on the details below by no later than the 31 July 2009:

Kelly Oldfield
Project Officer, Community Sport and Recreation
NSW Sport and Recreation

Phone: (02) 9006 3806 Fax: (02) 9006 3880
Address: Locked Bag 1422, Silverwater, NSW 2128

Please note change of email address

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