Monday 31 August 2009

2 - 4 yr olds invited to participate in early reading / numeracy research at Macquarie university

Dr Kathy Cologon, a lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, is currently looking for families who might be interested in participating in either an early reading or an early numeracy intervention for young children who have Down syndrome and their parents.

The interventions will build on previous research into effective reading and numeracy interventions with children who have Down syndrome. However, in this study, Kathy is seeking parents who would be interested in undertaking training in order to develop skills and understanding to enable them to implement early intervention with their children. The children need to be aged between two and a half and four years of age. If you choose to participate, you and your child will be randomly assigned to either the early numeracy or the early literacy intervention.

Parents will be provided with relevant materials, training and support throughout the intervention. The research will also involve assessments to find out the impact of the intervention on the children involved. The training and assessments will be conducted in English.

The intervention will involve four weekly training sessions, followed by four fortnightly training sessions at Macquarie University, as well as a brief parent interview and four reading, maths and language assessments of approximately 3 hours each for each child.

If you have a child with Down syndrome aged between two and a half and four years of age and you and your child might be interested in participating in this research, please contact Kathy on 9850 9864 or via email at by early September.

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