Tuesday 18 August 2009

Award winning website on making decisions about amniocentesis

AmnioDex: amniocentesis decision maker explorer, a website prepared at the University of Cardiff, was awarded the ‘Best of Show’ and the ‘Gold Award’ at the 2009 Health and Science Communications Association (HeSCA) Media Festival held in St Louis, USA.

Wales.com reports:

Professor Glyn Elwyn, who also leads Cardiff University’s Decision Laboratory research group, said: "With existing information and support provided to women who are offered an amniocentesis widely considered to be insufficient, amnioDex has been developed to facilitate decision making by providing decisional support and unbiased information. amnioDex has been carefully designed to offer women decisional support and unbiased information, and to assist them in a difficult decision made at a time of strong emotional upheaval. We are thrilled to receive these awards which recognise our commitment to developing and evaluating high-standard decision support interventions".

AmnioDex explains its aims on the website:

Our aim was to examine and address the information and decision needs of women when considering amniocentesis testing. In order to do so, we developed a website, amnioDex, which contains evidence based information about the potential harms and benefits associated with amniocentesis testing and video clips of women’s experience and professionals explanations. Explores every aspect of making a decision about amniocentesis.

A link to AmnioDex has been posted on the Down Syndrome NSW website, on the Prenatal Diagnosis page.

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