Wednesday 12 August 2009

Buddy Walk - Australia 2009 - it's a G.A.S.

We are making FUNdraising easy and fun again this year with our Buddy Walk Hero Page! Bookmark it to keep up with all the news about Buddy Walk events around Australia.

You and/or someone close to you can easily become a Buddy Walk Hero by setting up your own Buddy Walk Hero webpage for yourself, a family member or friend in just a few minutes.

You can then email your Buddy Walk Hero Page to friends, colleagues, family, schoolmates around Australia and the world to give them the chance to sponsor you for this year's Buddy Walk.

To set up your own Buddy Walk Hero Page please
click here then click the big button that says Register Here.

And we have our first Buddy Walk 2009 Hero ..... Addison Quinn

It only takes a few minutes to create your Hero Page – you can upload a photo and some info about your Hero and team. If you have any trouble or are completely computer-phobic please just let us know, and we can help you through it, or set up a Hero page for you. Contact us on

This year, as an extra way of saying ‘thank you’, each Buddy Walk Hero will receive a gift of a special Buddy Walk backpack perfect for taking on Buddy Walk with you.

Each year, Buddy Walk has a new fundraising theme.

Previous themes have been:
2008 - AAA - ‘Access All Areas’
2007 - D.A.D.S - ‘Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome’

Funds raised by our previous Buddy Walk Heroes have gone to such activities as workshops for Dads, and better access to services in regional areas

And the theme for 2009 is ......

Buddy Walk 2009 – It’s a GAS! (Grandparents And Siblings)

This year, we celebrate the very important role grandparents, brothers and sisters play in the lives of many people with Down syndrome. The constitution of Down Syndrome NSW was amended to allow grandparents and siblings to become full members for the first time – until then only people with Down syndrome and their parents could become full voting members. We will be holding our first workshop specifically for grandparents and also have some UP!Club and other special events planned for siblings. We will be working on further ways we can involve and support grandparents and siblings in the months ahead.

Of course, there are often many other important people in the lives of a person with Down syndrome – friends, aunties, uncles, employers, teachers – all are welcome and celebrated at Buddy Walk – Australia 2009!

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