Tuesday 11 August 2009

City to Surfers - congratulations and many thanks!

Congratulations to all who ran the City to Surf. What a sight those 75,000 runners were heading down William Street, and stringing out to Bondi. That seven of them were running for DS NSW was wonderful! Thank you Brad Dewhurst; Tamzyn Bielecka; Joe Hedger; Daniel Fleming; Allan Le; Shmulik Kachlon and Andrew Rojas.

Tamzyn was proud to finish and receive her medal:

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I used them when I woke up at 7am on Sunday morning to remind me that I wasn't just doing it for me. I'm so glad that I raised this money for such a worth wild charity, I even surprised myself with the amount.

Over the last 18 months I have been getting to know Tom [a young man with Down syndrome] and he is the main reason I choose this charity. We go to Trivia nights and football. We have an on-going Monday night spaghetti bolognaise and football game dinner at my house. He's a brilliant bundle of energy who make events exciting and refreshingly fun.

The whole city to surf experience was an amazing. I just did it all out of admiration for a bunch of people with great hearts.

Thanks again and hopefully I can raise more money next year!

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