Thursday 20 August 2009

Library Thursdays: Author of Madonna in the Suitcase interviewed in Otago Times

We previously blogged about Huberta Hellendorn's Madonna in the Suitcase. This week an article in New Zealand's Otago Daily Times interviews Hellendorn about her book and her experiences with her daughter. It mentions that a radio serial has been made from it. The interview touches on Hellendorn's view of pre-natal testing and goes on to look at another mother's experience and a discussion of Down syndrome and pre-natal testing. 
Click here to read the article.
Today is the start of the World Down Syndrome Congress in Ireland. Next week we'll blog about some of the information coming out of it. In the meantime, if you want to borrow anything, just email us. We might be a little delayed with sending out some things since we're at the event in Ireland and the office and library is moving this week, but we'll do our best.

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