Tuesday 22 September 2009

Adult sibling survey

From Siblings Australia:

We are hoping to hear from adult siblings through an online survey. Please spread the information amongst your networks. The purpose of this survey is to research:

  • The nature of the relationship between siblings and their brother or sister living with disability
  • The type/amount of unpaid caregiving and support provided by adult siblings
  • The perceived needs, both emotional and practical, of adult siblings
  • The type of support siblings would like for themselves and in their role as a support person
  • The concerns siblings may have about the future

The more participants we have, the better. Please complete survey by end of September. The results of this research will be presented at the Siblings Australia “Creating Connections” Conference. We hope that the survey will provide information to professionals, agencies and government departments to better support the needs of adult siblings.

Link to survey is:

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