Tuesday 1 September 2009

NDS NSW launches new Disability Safe website

NDS (National Disability Services) recently launched the new website for its Disability Safe project, an initiative funded by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (DADHC).

Developed specifically for the disability services sector, http://www.disabilitysafe.org.au/ provides valuable information on occupational health and safety, workers compensation and injury management, as well as training and development opportunities. The issue of protecting and maintaining the health, wellbeing and safety of workers and service users in the disability sector continues to be of critical importance.

The diverse and unique nature of supporting people with disability across a variety of settings poses a number of challenges. Contemporary in its design, specific features of the new website that may alleviate some of the pressure on organisations include:

  • sample policies and procedures;
  • results of state-wide quarterly benchmarking which quantifies by organisation and by service type the number and types of workplace injuries providing a valuable self assessment measure;
  • online discussion forums to raise specific issues and request customised support.

Established in April 2007 to recognise and support the unique challenges impacting on the disability services sector, the Disability Safe project is underpinned by three main objectives:

  • Enhancing the quality of services by embedding a culture of safe work practices;
  • Developing a consistent approach to risk management;
  • Driving cost efficiencies through the development and implementation of sophisticated workers compensation premium, claims and injury management.

The new Disability Safe website aligns these objectives with practical resources that support service delivery and enhance the capacity of the sector. NDS encourages all organisations to avail themselves to this valuable resource and utilise its user-friendly functionalities. Designed as an evolving and growing resource, NDS invites organisations to provide relevant content for the website to facilitate the sharing of best practice within the sector.

For further information regarding the Disability Safe project and website or to make suggestions for content, please contact Sue Smith, Disability Safe Project Manager on 02 9256 3121 or susan.smith@nds.org.au

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