Thursday 17 September 2009

"Starting School" a new DVD

A new DVD – Starting School: Stories from parents of children with a disability – identifies strategies to ease the transition to school.

The DVD features the stories of six families who tell of their experiences as they prepared for their child to go to school for the first time.

Two of the families have children with Down syndrome. Doesn't Sam look good on the DVD label?

Our Parent Support and Information staff have reviewed the DVD and predict that it will be useful for families from the earliest stages of thinking seriously about choosing a first school. It is realistic, encouraging flexibility and cooperation, acknowledging the expertise of parents.

It will be useful for all parents, including those who are not always able to attend meetings about school matters, and includes both mothers and fathers, grandparents and siblings. A number of principals, teachers and learning support officers are interviewed. At 25 minutes, it delivers substantive information and views.

The DVD was produced by the Lady Gowrie Childcare Centre with funding of $148,000 from the NSW Government.

The DVD, in English, Cantonese, Dari, Dinka, English, Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese, is available on request to the Early Childhood Intervention Infoline 1300 65 68 65.

A number of copies are available in our library.

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