Saturday 19 September 2009

Update on educational provision for children with special needs

A further development in the proposed changes to the provision of support for children with special educational needs in NSW State schools was reported yesterday. The Minister for Education has agreed to increase the consultation period for the proposed changes, although they will be implemented in some schools in the first half of 2010, subject to consultation. Read Annna Patty's report in the SYdney Morning Herald here.

The NSW Teachers Federation has welcomed the slowdown of the implementation of changes.

There does appear to be any comment about this latest development on the Department of Education and Training Website. This blog post gives links to the DET briefing papers on the proposals.

Note that despite some rumours to the contrary that we have heard, the DET briefing papers explicitly deny that there is any proposal to close support classes for children with disabilities, or to reduce learning support officer positions.

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