Wednesday 14 October 2009

In Control Australia forum: How can Self Directed Support work in practice?

The forum will showcase the transformation of the disability service system in Victoria where all support packages have been streamlined into one program with one set of guidelines, one planning process and one funds approval process.

People with disability and their families get more choice and flexibility including the ability to direct their own support with a financial intermediary taking care of legal and financial obligations.

Tuesday 24th November 2009
10am sharp – 3.30pm (Registration from 9.30am)

Parliamentary Theatrette, NSW Parliament House,

Macquarie St, Sydney

RSVP: or (02) 9869 0866 by 17 November

Cost: $30 for staff of services or organisational representatives; $10 for people with disability and families, GST included

Lunch will be provided.


Peter Shergold Chair, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW on the ethical and economic imperative for self directed support

Lisa Minchin Service Reorientation Unit, Community and Individual Support Branch of Victorian Dept of Human Services on new opportunities

Maureen McLeish Direct payment recipient on behalf of her daughter

Jim Burns CEO Melba Support Service on the impact of the transformation on a large non government service

Lara Friedman Person with disability using self managed package

Judy Harwood Director Reform & Development DADHC on initiatives in packaged support in NSW

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