Thursday 22 October 2009

Library Thursdays: Futuro Presente DVD

If you have enjoyed watching The Specials, then you may be interested in a documentary from the Italian Down syndrome association (Associazione Italiana Persone Down), Futuro Presente (Future and Present).
This film also looks at the lives of young adults with Down syndrome, but this focuses on a training course a group are doing to learn about living independently and what they need to do to succeed. The film shows some of the activities the class does but the best parts are when other people with Down syndrome who are already living independently, advise the "trainees" about what is important and the benefits of independent living. Another nice part has two sisters interviewing each other about their views of things.
The film is in Italian with English subtitles which are understandable if not always perfect English. The style is much different to The Specials. It is not as polished or tightly edited nor is it narrated by the characters, but it is an interesting view into the lives of young adults with Down syndrome in Italy.

Also available for borrowing this week is the new Gifts 2 book. Having stories from all kinds of people who care for and about a person with Down syndrome as opposed to just mothers (as in the original Gifts) makes it a more interesting book in my opinion.

Email us if you'd like to borrow Futuro Presente or Gifts 2 or anything else...

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